One of the most important demands placed upon five element acupuncturists is the need for us to be as certain as possible of our own element. This is because this element colours the whole world as we see it. I have often said that it is as though we each see life wearing the particular spectacles of this one element. We only really become aware of this when we try to help patients of elements which differ from our own, and realise that they see the world through the lenses coloured by these other elements.
Each of us as practitioners must therefore constantly recognize how far our own element determines how we view the people we come into contact with, and that includes, of course, our patients. My element being Fire means that I see the world through Fire's spectacles, and I have had to learn to put these to one side, as I put on those of the other elements. Although we all do this to some extent when we interact with those around us, it is only when we are alone in the practice room with one patient after another, each often of different elements from our own, that this need to adapt ourselves to the demands of the other elements comes into such clear focus.
To help ourselves deal with this, we have first to recognize our element's particular qualities as expressed within ourselves so that we can respond appropriately to the differing needs of patients of other elements. Since we are all likely to err on the side of emphasizing our good qualities and playing down those that are less flattering, that requires a great deal of critical self-knowledge and introspection.